Hans Gert Poettering欧州議会議長は、本日開かれた欧州議会の「議長・会派長会議」[注:欧州議会の議長と各会派の長の会議で、議会の運営に関する決定を下す]において、「欧州左派連合・北欧左派緑の党」会派(GUE/NGL)に属するイタリア選出のGiusto Catania欧州議員(PRC)と、「自由主義」会派の長であるGraham Watson議員からの提案を受けて、Gordon Brown英国首相宛に、英国からイランへの退去処分を受ける可能性のある イラン人レズビアン女性Pegah Emambakhshさんの処遇に関する書簡を送ることに
「Pegahさんのイランへの退去処分は、人権を大きく侵害し、さまざまな国際条約に違反するものであり、英国一国だけでなく欧州連合全体にとって不名誉なことであるPoettering議長はGordon Brown首相に伝えてくれるはずだ。 わたしは議長に、イタリアが快くPegahさんを受け入れることも伝えるようお願いした。われわれはPegahさんを支援しており、また欧州議員全員が今後もこの事件を注視してゆくことを確信している」とCatania議員は力強く述べた。
Following a proposal by Italian MEP Giusto Catania (PRC), representing the European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) Group in the European Parliament during today's Conference of Presidents - and Graham Watson, President of the Parliament's Liberal Group, European Parliament President Hans Gert Pöettering has accepted to write a letter to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on the fate of Pegah Emambakhsh, the Iranian lesbian woman who risks expulsion from Great Britain to Iran. If deported, Ms Emambakhsh risks physical violence and torture, and without doubt losing her life, because of London's refusal to grant her the status of political refugee on grounds of "sexual discrimination".
"Pöettering has the task of explaining to Gordon Brown that Pegah's expulsion to Iran would constitute a serious violation of human rights and international conventions and bring shame not only on a country like Great Britain but also on the European Union as a whole. I suggested to the President that he indicate Italy's willingness to welcome Pegah, who is not guilty of any crime. We strongly support Pegah and I am sure that all European parliamentarians will continue to follow her case very closely", MEP Catania declared.
The European Parliament Presidency has committed to sending the letter without delay.
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